•5 nooks sold
•7 hours on feet
•0 minutes of break
•2 feet that REALLY hurt
•1 hour 45 minutes of (rough) sing-through
•200 real copies
•approximately 190 fake copies
•1 ream of paper at $2.99 + tax
•1 (more than slightly illegal) copy of vocal score with FREE spiral binding.
Now that I've made my list, are you ready for the run-on sentences?
'Cause I am!
Okay, so the story goes like this:
I went to FedEx Office (formerly known as Kinko's) to make a copy of the vocal score for the show so that I can highlight and write in whatever medium I so please and not have to pay to replace the thing, and I'll just keep it as a memento yada yada yada... When I got through the first 75 pages of fake copies (I'd scanned the pages, and then the stinkin' machine tells me to insert my card... which was already in the machine... and I had to start all over with the scanning.), I noticed that there wasn't any paper in the copier, and I'm thinking, "Aw, man. I know the economy sucks, but really Kinko's? Really. You're gonna make me buy my own stinking ream of paper, too?" So, my grumbly butt walks over to buy said paper. I get up there, happily complain about how long I'm going to be there making copies, swipe my debit card, and one of the 3 sweethearts working the night shift asks if I need a bag for my paper.
"No, thanks, I'm about to go over there and use it."
They all look at me funny.
Sweetie #1: "What?"
"The copier was out of paper, and I just assumed..."
Sweetie #2: "We should take your picture!"
Sweetie #2 & #3: "Man, give her a refund..." "...her money back."
At this point I was really too tired to care about the $3 and some odd cents.
Sweetie #1: "What else did you need to do?"
"Take the copies I make and have them spiral bound."
#1: "Then you get that spiral binding for free."
I walked back over to the copy machine, sufficiently red in the face and ears (Yeah, they were still talking about me as I walked away), made approximately 115 more fake copies (How's my math?), and then started printing the copies I'd scanned in sets of 20, 30, and 50 till I finished the damn thing. (I apologize, all, but I'm ridiculously tired, and it's my favorite curse word.)
Despite all that, let's continue with the day's tally, shaaaaall we?
•1 nice li'l ditty of a conversation with Sweeties #2 & 3
•1 compliment on my "bubbly" personality, and 1 on my appearance (Sweetie #1 prior to the paper fiasco).
(To make all of our lives simpler, even though I've only watched partial episodes of the show)
"Are you a fan of Mad Men?"
"I am."
"Then you must get told all of the time that you..."
"...look like Joan. Yes."
Needless to say, I have new friends at FedEx/Kinko's/whatever.
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