Friday, November 12, 2010

Too much TV

"You know as well as I do Morning Butt and Evening Butt are two completely different butts."
~Lorelai Gilmore

She's right, you know. And that quote is verbatim--I mean, it's perfect word for word.

Ya know how I know?

I used our new DVR to rewind and make sure.

They put it in yesterday, and while I feel like it's another unnecessary expenditure on our part, it's totally cool. I'm testing it out by recording Clueless.

Side note: The commercial for ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas (which is decidedly longer than 25 days this year... hmmm...) includes snippets from Beauty and the Beast because they're apparently airing it to kick off said more-than-25 days. Of course, they show the one where Belle throws a snowball at Beast and chuckles. Now, it's been a while *coughcoughoverfiveyearscough* since I've watched the film, but I do not believe Belle audibly chuckled.

In this commercial, she totally does, and the voice's laughter is not the melodious tinkling of bells (wa wa waaa...) that is Paige O'Hara.

I do not approve.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Gosh. Are you JOKING?! I watched that commercial and caught the same thing! I think we're the same person. It's such a small thing to catch. I love you even more, if that's even possible.
