Friday, April 1, 2011

"Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination..."

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who gets too invested in fictional characters from the books she reads.  (Right?  Right, guys?)

But requiring a mourning period of sorts before I can pick up another book?  In the same series??
I think this might be where I need to draw the line.

And I'm not even talking about The Hunger Games yet.  (I'm sorry, Molly!  I simply must finish my fling with Peter first.  Old habits...)

Man up, Kate!  It's not real!

The laundry in front of you.  The clutter.  The never ending "Katie-Do" List that really needs to become a "Katie-Did" List.  The sweet boy in need of a bath sleeping at your feet.  The music to learn and planning to do.  The bathroom and dishes and body in need of scrubbing.  The allergy attacks I feel in my teeth.  The anxiety over waiting to hear back from schools.

All of this is very much real.

But for a moment ("one peculiar passing moment"), so is that world in my imagination.

And the anguish I feel at Peter losing his first love is also very much real (albeit slightly exaggerated).
[cue "I Will Never Leave You"]

So, I guess thank God for the "Katie-Do" list that gives me time to recover before I pick up the next (Final?) book in the series.

And, yes, I'm totally stalling the update about OKC.   Even though the people who read this also stalk my fb fairly regularly, see these highlights from the trip to tide you over.

Yeah, I'm still kinda geekin' out over this...


Deal with it.

Cop out.  Lame.  Yeah, yeah, spare me...  I think you'll understand once I actually post about the trip.

Red Bud Tree ~ Oklahoma's State Tree
Steph was...well, I would say obsessed, but the obsession the whole trip was truly with KC.
Let's just say she was quite taken with "those purple trees."

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