Saturday, January 29, 2011

Another one bites the dust

I mean that much more literally than the metaphor.

I've been up for a little over an hour due to an allergy attack. Thankfully, I'm in the comfort of my cousins' home in Mississippi. It's vereh, vereh big and vereh, vereh full of food and tissues. I haven't stopped blowing my nose long enough to dig into any of the food, but I got to window shop in the pantry that's bigger than my kitchen, so breakfast will be delicious and soothing to my raw, drainage-ravaged throat.

It is my hope that after what's turning out to be an incredibly full and exceedingly delightful weekend I will sleep for approximately 15 hours non-stop. [insert foghorn sfx to simulate sound of me blowing my schnoz]

Decided to surprise Richard with a visit to NOLA yesterday which turned out infinitely better than I expected. To demonstrate, I shall use an arbitrary point system à la TV hit Whose Line...

He decided to come home with me for the weekend. (+1,000,000 pts!) Okay, I know that's excessive as far as points go, but I was/am excited. (+5 pts) (But really, +1,000,000...)

We piddled around Magazine Street after eating a scrumptious lunch at Juan's Flying Burrito. (+3 pts)

Richard embraced his inner spontaneity and asked if I wanted to be bad and go to the abandoned Six Flags. (+10 pts for having mentioned the word "spontaneous" earlier in the day, but -5 pts for living in such a way that he felt the need to even ask. Must seek to gradually fix this.)

Check out the pictures on fb and the most recent plans for the park here.

After some thought, I would like to point out that my last parenthetical thought, by emphasizing my generally overly cautious way of living, downplays the fact that Richard is polite and considerate, and that's probably the real reason he posed the idea in the form of a question. Management apologizes for this oversight and was happy to correct it.

Pit stop in Florence, MS to see my cousins and their new-to-me home for dinner turned into overnight stay. (+3 pts for the extra fam time for me, but -3 pts for less fam time for Rico)

Despite my shortcomings, I believe the scoreboard speaks for itself.

I win.


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