Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Using time to take care of yourself is NOT necessarily vanity... is it?

I have a rather long "Katie Do" list:

Finish Roosevelt application
Complete the FAFSA
Continue cleaning house
Clean out car
***Go to the dentist--This is of particular importance because I have discovered that I have notches at the gumline in four of my teeth, which, contrary to popular belief (or at least mine), is not caused by "overzealous brushing," but by bruxism (so a cosmetic dentist's blog tells me).
Which is fancy talk for clenching your teeth.
Which is caused by stress.
Moving on!

Plan day for massage/mani/pedi
Schedule voice lesson time
Learn monologues
Pick & practice songs
Lesson plans for TMS
Get my lazy, chunky butt to the gym

And, eventually, get a haircut.

For those of you who don't know, I'm in the throes of growing my hair out so that I can donate it to Locks of Love. I finally decided to just do it right before Secret Garden auditions. I've been wanting to for years, and because I lost two very special people last year to cancer, now is the appropriate time. I just have a couple more inches to go before I have the 10" braid necessary to donate without leaving me with hair of an...uncomfortably short length.

Which means, of course, I'm gettin' real antsy to chop it all off.

So, I'm trying to assuage my anticipation by figuring out how I'd like for it to look when it's gone. For inspiration, I turn to my doppleganger Bryce Dallas Howard. We have a similar face shape, and she's a redhead, so I think it works. Here are some of the possibilities (or daydreams, rather...).

This 'do is fairly similar to how I did it the last time I cut my hair. It's safe. It's probably what will happen again.

I don't think I'm edgy enough to pull this off, but by GOLLY it's hot. I'd like to think maybe one day I could.

This would be a back-up plan in case things got, well, hairy, and we accidentally went too short. My hair is curlier than BDH's naturally, so it probably wouldn't look like this at all. But again, daydream.

Aaaaaand this is just for me to try and copycat her makeup.
Because she's gorgeous.

I don't think I'll ever be brave enough to have eyebrows that thin without seeking professional help. And I just can't justify spending money on my eyebrows when I have tweezers and opposable thumbs.

*le sigh*

Till next time, laundry and Ally McBeal beckon.

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